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Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Science and Technology

Science, technology and society related to each other in different ways, as science and technology developed altogether, they give impacts on society in terms of cultural or moral values. However, in other positive side, the inventions could help some country to become strong and enable to defend themselves from enemy. All of these showed that science, technology and society shared strong connections, as well as their approaches. The negatives and positives affects arrived from the personal judgment that influenced either by their own personal purpose or by society purpose. As long as science and technology exist, the society issues will be always debated among the human all over the world.
Before understanding the importance of science, technology and society approaches, it is necessary to know that science and technology are closely associated with human lives. They are closely linked aspects of society and the studies and developments in both of science and technology are essential for the overall progress of society. For student, this approach will provide real world connection for student between the classroom and society. The process should gives the student practices in identifying potential problems, collecting data that regarding to the problems, finding alternative solutions, and considering the consequences based on particular decisions.
Science, technology and society approaches is nothing similar like textbook driven science courses and disciplined centered. It is important for student to know not only about the content and process of science, but also the impact of science and society to one another. Student expertise not just at solving the exercises, but also can asking questions, developing hypothesis, drawing conclusions based on their interpreted results. By mastering all of those characteristics, student generally can be considered as experts in the Science, Technology, and Society approaches.

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